About Me

Hey! I'm David Hua.

I'm a third year Software Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. I'm passionate about programming languages, compiler construction, and game development.

My one page resume is available here.

My full CV is available here.

Below, you may view some of my past personal projects.


Veggietales 2
A first person shooter game made in Java using OpenGL via the LWJGL library. I used JOML to make a custom camera and built a custom physics engine for collision detection and resolution.
A side scroller RPG game made with JavaFX. Experience 3 different characters with their own skills, strengths, and weaknesses in 4 unique levels including a final boss fight with Perry Pineapple.
A top down rogue-like RPG made with JavaFX. This is a dungeon crawler with procedurally generated levels. I used the GJK collision detection algorithm to incorporate arbitrarily shaped convex hitboxes.
Alpha Beaver
I led a team of 4 to create a MERN stack Learning Management System, featuring assignment submission and grading systems, announcements posting, RBAC, and a dynamic content creation platform.
Daily Journey
I led a team of 4 at Hack the North to create a full stack application using React, Django, and Postgres. The app generates jogging routes around your neighborhood based on a distance parameter.
I trained a CNN to take images of food as input and determine whether or not it is a hotdog. Inspired by an app by the same name in the TV show Silicon Valley. Uses Tensorflow with a GUI made in JavaFX.


Email: david.hua@uwaterloo.ca

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-hua0320/

GitHub: https://github.com/q-ata/